Xcoal is a full service energy and resources company supplying our customers’ global coal needs.
Innovation & Experience
Our innovative logistics solutions allows Xcoal to find creative and competitive solutions as we meet our customer needs.
Xcoal retains an experienced marketing team to provide world-class customer service and market responsiveness and has also developed a first-rate logistics group to oversee product shipments and delivery. By managing the entire supply chain, from the mine to our customer’s port facilities, Xcoal seamlessly integrates coal, rail, port, and vessel freight into competitive product delivery. To enhance service and meet the dynamic needs of our customers, we are consistently growing our coal supply offerings.
Coking Coal
Xcoal markets a wide array of low, mid, and high vol coking coal products, as well as semi-soft, PCI, and anthracite coals.
Thermal Coal
Xcoal is an active exporter of high calorific value thermal coal from Northern Appalachia in the U. S., and regularly markets other thermal coals from the U.S., Australia, Indonesia, and Canada.
Shipping Worldwide
211,664,983 of coal MT shipped to date
Global Reach
Xcoal has shipped coal to 43 countries
Volume MMT
Volume MMT has grown from 3.18 MMT in 2004 to a high of 26.9 MMT in 2019.